Because we care about the health and safety of every student who enters our campus, we continue consultations and communication with our local and state health departments to ensure our mitigation plan is aligned with the most recent recommendations. To that end, we are sending out this clarification in our safe mitigation protocol if students exhibit COVID-like symptoms while on campus. Following are the most recent COVID-like symptoms you need to monitor your children daily for prior to bringing them to school. In an overabundance of caution, we will maintain a zero tolerance for illness. Therefore, if your child is exhibiting any of these symptoms, KEEP THEM HOME:
If your child exhibits any of the above symptoms while at school, he/she will be isolated and sent home to self-isolate for ten days and may not return until his/her symptoms have improved and he/she is fever-free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours. Because having one or more of the above symptoms does not necessarily mean that your child has COVID-19, we will encourage parents in this situation to either take your child to the doctor or have your child tested for COVID. If your child tests negative for COVID or if a physician verifies that your child has an illness other than COVID, your child may return prior to the ten-day isolation if his/her symptoms have improved and he/she is fever-free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours. Out of an abundance of caution, all the children in your household will need to self-isolate as well until the cause of the symptoms are determined, or until the ten-day isolation has expired. The attached Flow Chart from Arizona Department of Health Services may help illustrate our mitigation protocol. IF YOUR CHILD HAS BEEN IN CLOSE CONTACT OR EXPOSED TO A COVID-POSITIVE PERSON, CALL THE SCHOOL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Thank you for your support in following these health and safety guidelines.