Third grade is the first opportunity for children to lead the congregation in song at the weekly school Mass.
The children begin a transition in their learning. In the early elementary years, the students focus on learning to read, but in third grade, the focus is on reading to learn. The children learn how to read a text in order to acquire new concepts and ideas. Throughout the year, the students work on deepening their strategies and skills for reading comprehension across all content areas. In math, the students begin the exciting new adventure of multiplication and division!
4th Grade
The children in fourth grade help the school community grow in faith through their living stations prayer service during Lent.
Fourth grade is an exciting year where the the children learn long division and extended multiplication. The students also learn about their home state of Arizona, explore scientific inquiry through labs and hands-on experiments, read new and exciting literature, and refine their editing and revising skills so that they can turn rough drafts into polished pieces of writing.
5th Grade
Fifth grade is the first year that students switch between the two fifth grade teachers.
The mathematics in fifth grade focuses on the four main operations related to decimals and fractions. As the students learn to focus on strengthening their math skills, they also begin to refine their writing skills by learning how to support their claim with textual evidence. In science and social studies, the students begin working more intently on using the scientific inquiry process for the science fair, and they explore American history throughout the year.
Pro-Social Skills
The students in third, fourth, and fifth grade continue to learn how to problem solve, but they also work on how to build friendships and resolve conflicts that arise among peers. The students work to build independent learning skills which include organization skills, study skills, and note-taking skills. These skills will enable the students to gain confidence as academic learners.
God calls us to grow in faith, knowledge, and loving service.
Contact Us
Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic School 1800 S. Kolb Rd. Tucson, Arizona 85710