Resiliant Arizona provides counseling services. For more information, visit their website:
Talking to Children about COVID-19 As the events surrounding COVID-19 evolve rapidly, it is important that we speak with our children. Some general guidelines for speaking with our children include the following. Depending on the age of your children will determine how much information you share; however, some general recommendations include:
Sharing with your child how you are trying to keep them safe
Power of Prayer With so much uncertainty, we can forget that we always have the power of prayer. During the season of Lent, I invite all our families to spent time in prayer for those impacted by COVID-19. One great prayer that families can pray during our time away from campus is the Rosary. As a Marian school, our students regularly pray the Rosary, and it is a wonderful prayer that can bring peace and clarity during times of trouble.
Supporting Children at home The NH Association of School Psychologist have put together an outline of tips for caregivers during the pandemic. This is a lengthy document, but it includes ideas for scheduling time, connecting with our children, and building executive skills.