All students, faculty, staff, and visitors will be screened before going onto campus. Anyone coming onto campus will have to affirm that they are free from any symptoms related to COVID-19 and that they are not living with anyone who are been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days. Anyone coming onto campus will have their temperature taken, and individuals with a fever (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit) will not be permitted on campus.
Any individual who develops symptoms related to COVID-19 will be sent home.
Health and Hygiene
Students will be taught to wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If hands are not visibly dirty, alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol can be used if soap and water are not readily available. Hand sanitizer will be available in each classroom and the office.
All people on campus will engage in frequent hand-washing
Face Coverings
Students, faculty, staff, and visitors will wear face masks or protective face coverings to school.
The students will wear the face masks or coverings when they are in the classroom, in the bathroom, moving in the hallways, and during arrival and dismissal.
When playing outside, the school recommends that students remove their face masks and remain 6 feet away from other students and adults.
To protect facemasks, students will be instructed to leave the face mask on their desk before recess and lunch.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Preschool teachers will clean all student spaces as needed during the day.
The Preschool teachers will follow the CDC/Pima County Health guidelines for disinfecting/sterilizing procedures throughout the day and sterilizing of toys/items used during the day.
K-8 students will clean their own desks before lunch and at the end of the day using soap and water solution.
K-8 teachers will disinfect student spaces each afternoon and more often if needed.
All teachers will clean and disinfect the light switches, door handles, whiteboard rail, tables, and their desks/frequently touched surfaces at lunch and at the end of the day.
The custodial staff will clean the classrooms, bathrooms, and shared spaces each evening.
The custodial staff will disinfect the frequently touched surfaces in the mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
The health aide will disinfect the cot and chairs after each use.
The health aide will disinfect the door and desk after an ill student leaves the health office
Arrival to School
For all students, one parent/guardian should escort his/her student(s) to the check-in location.
All students will complete the health screen.
The preschool staff will be outside to greet and check-in students. Students already arrive at staggered times, so the arrival times will not change
K-8 students will arrive through the front office. In order to accommodate over 300 students arriving on campus, the start of the school day will be staggered.
Grades 6-8: 8:00
Grades 3-5: 8:10
Grades K-2: 8:20
Dismissal From School
Preschool dismissal times will remain the same since pick-up is already staggered. Students will be picked up from the side play area during the common pick-up times.
K-8 students will dismiss at the following times:
3:10 PM Monday-Thursday
1:10 PM Friday and other days noted on the school calendar
K-8 students will dismiss from the field, and students will be in designated locations with their classroom teacher.
Classes and Physical Distancing
The preschool students will be grouped according to age in their classrooms, but due to the small size of the preschool, the students will be considered a single cohort.
Students in K-4 students will remain with their teacher for the day.
Students will be put into cohorts. In grades 5-8, the teachers will switch between the classes, and the students will remain in their classroom.
Ancillary teachers will come to the student’s classroom.
Preschool Play Area: The outdoor play areas for preschool will be used. The items will be disinfected after each use.
Field: The field will be used for recess and physical education.
Courtyard: The courtyard will be available for use as a class space when weather permits. Teachers may sign up to hold a class or eat lunch in the courtyard.
Courts: The courts will be used for recess and physical education
Meals and Snacks
Preschool students will have snack and meals by class
K-8 Students will eat lunch in their classrooms with their homeroom teacher.
If the weather permits, the teachers may choose to bring his/her students to an outside eating area.
Recess and Outside Play
Preschool students will have multiple times during the day when they will be able to play and/or learn outside.
The field will be divided into four quadrants in order to accommodate two grade levels at a time for recess. Students must remain in the quadrant designated for their class.
K-8 Recess will be scheduled at designated times in the morning and afternoon for all classes.